
Class News

Please note the following date changes:

Children will recite their first recitation to me on October 13th, 2009. When the dates for the Poetry Assignment letter that was sent home to YOU was originally made, we did not know that we would be accepted into the Wood Magic Forestry field trip on the 14th of October. Now that our field trip is confirmed we will move their Recitation #1 to the day before. Thank you for this change! Reminder: The Golden Verses for Boys and Girls 9blue folder) was sent home with them today (Wednesday). They need to choose 1 poem of at least 2 stanzas or 1 passage of scripture (at least 4 verses) and TELL me their choice next Wednesday. Please see calendar.

Other Date Changes:

Math Tiles:

Please note that we will not hold math tiles on April 2, 2010 as this is Good Friday. We will hold Math Tiles on May 7th, 2010 NOT May 8th 2010 (Saturday). Thank you for observing these as well!

We will need a total of 3 volunteers every other week to help with Friday's Math Tiles. We have a smaller class and several full-time working moms, so we are opening up the volunteer position to relatives of the students. If any grandparents or aunts/uncles would be interesting in spending some time with our class, please let me know by next Wednesday (9/16/09). Thank you!

Class Donation:
Because I am a new teacher, I did not have the opportunity to add anything to the 4th grade supply list for this year as it was already done by the time I got here. I observed that most of the other lower school teachers wipe down the students desks daily with Lysol disinfecting wipes that fight the Flu. With all the flu talk, I have been using some of the other teacher's wipes to wipe down the desks daily and would ask that if any of you are willing to donate to our class some Lysol disinfecting wipes, I would be so appreciative! I really think this is helping to cut down on germs and keeping the kids healthy and you would not believe how much dirt I get off their desks EACH DAY! :) Thank you so much!

I think this is all I have for now! Please keep us in your prayers!