
Week of October 26 - October 30

I hope this post finds you well! I cannot believe the month of October is almost over! Christmas will be here before we know it! Start making those lists!

First of all, I realized this past Thursday that we were ahead on Bible reading. Sorry about that... we are now on track! Do not be afraid to let me know if an issue like this comes up! Thanks!

This week we have a test pretty much everyday.

Tuesday: History Test 3 -Many students are not scoring highly when it comes to Geography/History. These subjects require a lot of outside work. Please help your child learn good ways to study for these things. They really need your help with this. As far as this week's test in History, your child needs to know important dates (we went over them in class) and major events from their song 3 and study guide.

Wednesday: Math Test and Vocabulary Test on Unit 5 - I have noticed that most students do not think they need to study for Math and for some it is reflected in their grades. They keep all of their homework in their binder. If you look back over the last 10 lessons and help them re-work problems, that should really help them succeed. Also, they have a Practice Test that we do every Monday. This practice test is VERY similiar to the real test, so re-working some of these problems will also help!

For their Vocabulary Test, continue to help them study definitions, synonyms, and antonyms.

On Thursday, we have a Science Test on Unit 2. They need to use their study guide to prepare for this test. Any concepts they do not understand, should be reread from their book. Look through the chapter and quiz them on major bolded words/definitions, too.

Lastly, on Friday, they have a Spelling Test on list 10. List 9 is a review chapter that we are skipping for now.

Thanks so much! I hope you enjoyed those field trip photos!

Have a blessed week!