
Week of 12/7 - 12/11

I am praying that you all have a great week! Please look for the Monday Memo as it has important information regarding the Christmas Chapel Service this Friday night!

Good news: We only have 2 tests this week! However, next week, we have 5 tests, so please be preparing for our last week of school to make it easier! You can see the calendar for all tests - if needed.

Tests this week include:
Wednesday - Math Test 12: Students have completed their Practice Test and it has been checked by me. We talked as a class about some areas that students would be wise to study in preparation for their test. Some of them struggle with the concept from Lesson 53 "Expanded Notation." There are extra problems they could re-work on p.538 in their Math book.

Friday - Spelling Test 14: Please study all words. Writing each word on a separate piece of paper at least 3 times seems to help most students. If you child has never tried this, it is very effective!

This week we will be finishing our literature book on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and we will be watching the movie in class, as previous Class 4 classes have done. Next week, we will be doing some comparative writing between the book and the movie. If you have seen the movie or read the book, you may want to help your child brainstorm some good ideas for their writing, so that they will be ready for our in-class writing!

Please pray for Dr. Riddle and her sister who has been diagnosed with brain cancer. I know this is a very difficult time for her and the more we can lift her up in prayer the better. Thank-you for praying.

Have a great week! Christmas Break is almost here!