
Last Week before Christmas Break!!!!

It is finally here! It is almost time for Christmas break. In this busy season, I pray that Jesus will stay the center of it! Merry Christmas!

This week Class 4 will have four tests.

Tuesday: Science Test on Unit 3. This is our bird unit. Students will need to study their study guides, which are blue, in their binders. The test will have matching, multiple choice, and an area that they will need to draw a picture of a bird and lable at least 5 parts of a bird. This can be found on p.70 of their science book and on a worksheet completed in their science section.

Wednesday: Vocabluary Test on Unit 8. Please visit www.sadlier-oxford.com to practice some review games. You can click on the Blue color and Unit 8 for the games. Also, study the synonyms and antonyms, as well as, definitions.

There will also be the Practice Spelling Test for List 15 on Wednesday.

Thursday: Spelling Test List 15 and Grammar Verb Test.

We have been doing several review pages in grammar that are helpful in preparation for studying. Students were given a piece of card stock with highlighted verbs (in lime green) that they should study in particular because they missed them on a practice test. Please have students study the irregular verbs from that sheet, as well as, the review pages. There is no study guide in particular because grammar builds off of itself, however, the best review pages are p.60 - 61 that are most like the test.

We are drafting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe comparison essays in class. Your child may need to take this home and work on it tomorrow, Tuesday, if they do not complete it it class. We will complete them tomorrow, start revisions, and rewrite them in our best cursive in the next two days.

Thanks and have a great week!